To date in 2012, the US has had 32 P. ramorum-positive
nurseries in seven states (CA-6; OR-11; WA-10; NC-1; ME-1; NY-2; PA-1)
as well as 4 positive residential/ landscape detections (CA, OR, WA,
ME). Positive plants included: Rhododendron (51%); Camellia (13%); Viburnum (11%); Pieris (7%); Kalmia (3%); Gaultheria (4%); Loropetalum (3%); Magnolia (3%); Hamamelis (2%); Cornus (1%); Prunus (1%); and Trachelospermum (1%).
Seventeen of the positive nurseries are interstate shippers (CA-2;
OR-7; WA-7; NY-1) and 15 are retail facilities (CA-4; OR-4; WA-3; NC-1;
ME-1; NY-1; PA-1). Collection ponds were positive at 2 retail nurseries
(WA, NY) and 3 that ship interstate (2-WA, 1-NY). Soil was positive at 1
retail nursery (CA), 2 interstate shipping nurseries (CA, OR), and 1
landscape site (WA). Ten interstate trace-forward investigations were
conducted this year: three with potentially infected plants shipped to
24-30 states and seven with potentially infected plants shipped to 1 to 3
states. As a result, P. ramorum was detected at retail
nurseries in ME and PA that were shipped from OR, and from three
residential/landscape sites in OR, WA, and ME that originated in WA.
Confirmed Nursery and/or Residential Protocols are being implemented at
all locations.
From September 2012 COMTF newsletter
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