Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sudden oak death now threatens more of Britain's trees

After destroying millions of oaks in California, the infection spread to Britain – then suddenly jumped species

In woodlands around the UK, just as here in Afan Valley, south Wales, the race is on to fell thousands of trees in a desperate effort to contain a new disease which poses a threat to British forests on a scale not seen since Dutch elm disease wiped out millions of trees, changing the landscape of the country for ever.

Read the article here: The Guardian

Monday, January 3, 2011

Comprehensive report on SOD

Now available.

Synthesizing more than 10 years of cooperative research on the exotic invasive, quarantine sudden oak death pathogen, the USDA Forest Service's Pacific Southwest Research Station (PSW) recently published "Sudden Oak Death and Phytophthora ramorum: A Summary of the Literature." This 181-page comprehensive report covers a wide range of topics, including a history of sudden oak death, identification and distribution of the disease, epidemiology and modeling, management and control, and economic and environmental impacts.

read the rest of the press release.

Information on how to download or order a free copy of the report, "Sudden Oak Death and Phytophthora ramorum: A Summary of the Literature" can be found at: http://www.fs.fed.us/psw/publications/documents/psw_gtr234/.

Smartphone app for reporting SOD

And other invasive species too:

Apps are allowing for coordinated monitoring, efficient data collection, and increased communication and cooperation between scientists and the agriculture industry.

Read more: Western Farm Press